2013年2月28日 星期四

j3 psychiatric rehab ward

第二天到j3 psychiatric rehab ward, 發覺psychi ward 跟普通的病房很不同, 普通的病房,只要病人有要求, 我們都盡量達到, 但rehab ward 的最主要功能是幫助病人建立自理能力, 所以最好讓病人自己穿襪子,滴眼藥水.

第二天, 似乎較適應了這病房的運作, 不再感到那麼強烈的無聊感, 會更主動跟病人溝通,聊天. 但我想我將來也不會以mental health 作為我的specialty.

回家後, 磨憎了好一會兒, 直至佘whatsapp我, 才捨得開工寫reflective journal. 純吹水的一篇:

Having first time placement in a psychiatric ward and deep-seated mindset about mental problems patients, to be honest, I did have some worries about clients’ unexpected behaviors. Yet, I found that it is totally different from what I think about at the very beginning. All patients are like normal people, some are even talkative and outgoing, except few of them showing emotion instability. But it is understood that everyone would have ups and downs in life. And I am especially impressed by their marvelous handicrafts talent.

The impression of a psychiatric ward is a lot more different from what I imagine, I have never thought that the activities could be so wide-ranging in rehabilitation ward, including first aid talk, graffiti wall, cooking class, Baduanjin. They are all designed to enrich the patients’ life and have them engaged in some activities to either develop their interests or promote their physical fitness. I think that the t-shirt like clothing and some home-like beds, both simulate the environment of home and help them to recover to a certain extent.

        There is a huge difference between general and mental ward nursing care as well. In the general ward, we would lend our helping hand whenever possible. However, we leave the tasks to them so as to train them to be independent. I believe that it is one of the most important parts of nursing care. It helps them to incorporate into the community and empower them after hospitalization.

        The skills for promoting recovery are more challenging in the psychiatric ward since patients usually live for a longer period up to a few months or years. It requires more patience. Yet most clients are willing to share and friendly, for example, an auntie taught us how to fold a plain paper into a vivid rose; a girl was willing to talk about her love problem; an old lady tapped on a sofa as a gesture to signal me to sit down and talk with her. As long as we show our care and concern, say communicating with them more, they can vent and soothe their emotions and get well soon.

p.s. 發覺世界真細小, 巧遇了hoi yu, leah and janet yeung.

